Our values are ideas we believe in most deeply as individuals, and as such they apply to our personal as well as to our professional lives. They are the standard against which we measure each others’ behavior in personal and professional settings.
Above all, we value acting and living with Integrity.
As human beings first and professionals second, we place the highest value on our ability to feel good about who we are and what we do. In a professional context, this means that we will never slant or bias an expressed opinion for any reason, and we are happy to forgo relationships with any people or companies that do not live and act accordingly.
We make and keep commitments – to each other, and to our clients.
No organization can be truly successful if its members cannot count on other members doing exactly what they commit to do when they commit to doing it. We extend this deeply-ingrained value to our relationships with our partners and clients – we do not make commitments lightly, but if and when we do make a commitment, we keep it. Period.
We are committed to lifetime learning and to continuous improvement.
We believe that one of the primary reasons for our existence is to grow, develop, and help others do the same. As professionals and as individuals, we are committed to continuously improving and enhancing what we know, what we do, and who we are.
We communicate openly and honestly, especially when doing so is difficult.
We hold each other accountable for saying what we mean and meaning what we say. We believe that any team, regardless of context, can only function effectively if all team members communicate with each other openly and honestly. We do not tolerate dishonest communication in any form, which includes dishonestly through omission.
We work to live – we do not live to work.
The professional dimension is one of many important dimensions in life. We excel as professionals to benefit our clients, and to generate financial abundance for ourselves and for those about whom we care. We take a balanced approach to life, and make professional commitments that allow us to also achieve success in the physical, relationship, contribution/spiritual, and personal development dimensions.
If these values seem consistent with how you already think and act, and you would be interested in joining our team as a team member or partner, please contact us. We are always looking to enrich our relationships through forming new associations with like-minded individuals and companies.